-- 天氣


責任編輯:林梓琦 2023-06-15 17:25:43 來源:


    元代京杭大運河通航後,阿城因地理位置優越,各地商人競相在此興建會館。據考證,清代在產鹽省份設都轉鹽運使司鹽運使,簡稱運司、運使,負責鹽的買賣、轉運等事宜。 山東沿海地區產鹽,需要運到阿城,再經運河轉運到全國各地。舊時食鹽由國家專控買賣,但實際的銷售一直是鹽官按府、 州、縣分區包給鹽商經營。

    在這樣的背景下,鹽運管理機構在阿城設置了鹽運管理署衙一阿城鹽運司, 當時居住在阿城的山西鹽商為和同鄉聯絡鄉誼和感情,籌資在鹽運司前院建設了戲樓,後院建設了大殿供奉關公建成後既是鹽運管理機構,又是鹽商聯絡、聚會的場所,官商共用,因此阿城鹽運司在當地也叫運司會館、山西會館。

    原建築群分為前後兩進院落,整個院落長約86米、寬約40米,佔地面積約3440平方米,南向北沿中軸線依次為八字影壁、山門、 戲樓、運司大廳、正殿等,前院大門背面即是戲樓,戲樓兩側有門連通東西兩側兩層看樓,後院正殿供奉關公,並建有東西配殿及配房等,建築群整體布局嚴謹、錯落有致、連接得體、裝飾華麗,集中展示了傳統的建築工藝、彩繪、雕刻藝術。(記者 孫珂 通訊員 張傳思 王紀岩)


    Echeng Salt Transport Division is located in Echeng Town, Yanggu County, Shandong Province, about 200 meters west of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal. It was built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. As an important cultural relic of the Grand Canal in the world, it has high historical and artistic value, integrating the house construction, sculpture, calligraphy, oil decoration and painting.

    After the opening of the Grand Canal in the Yuan Dynasty, the merchants of Echeng competed to build a hall here because of its superior location. According to research, during the Qing Dynasty, salt transport envoys were established in salt producing provinces, known as the transport department, responsible for the sale of salt, transportation and other matters. The salt produced in the coastal areas of Shandong Province needs to be transported to Echeng and then transferred to all parts of the country by the Canal. In the old days, salt was exclusively controlled by the state for sale, but actually the sales were always contracted to salt merchants by salt officials according to government, state and county divisions.

    In this context, the salt transport management agency set up a Salt Transport Division in Echeng. At that time, Shanxi salt merchants living in Echeng raised funds to build a theater in the front yard of the Salt Transport Division in order to contact fellow villagers, and a main hall in the back courtyard to worship Guan Gong. It was not only a salt transportation management organization, but also a place for salt merchants to communicate and gather, shared by officials and merchants. Therefore, it was also called the Transportation Division Guild Hall or Shanxi Guild Hall.

    The original group-of-buildings is divided into two courtyards with a length of 86 meters and width of 40 meters wide, covering an area of about 3440 square meters. To the north, along the central axis, there are Bazi wall, shanmen, theater building, transport division hall, and etc. On the back of the front courtyard gate was the theater building. There are doors on both sides of the theater to connect the two floors on both sides. The main hall in the backyard is dedicated to Guan Gong, and the east and west side halls and rooms are built. The overall layout of the complex is rigorous, well-arranged, properly connected, and ornate, showcasing the traditional architectural techniques, painting, and carving art.

責任編輯:林梓琦 【視聽山東】陽谷阿城鹽運司


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