2025年 03月18日 星期二 -- 天氣
太坡零碳製造及科創服務區Taipo service area of zero carbon manufacture and scientific innovation17:03努力推進世界了解中國 三位中國學「大咖」獲貢獻獎17:02【收市盤點】港股全日跌351點 本周累漲105點17:01國泰:今明兩年增9000人手 積極調整客戶組合16:58優惠政策Preferential policies16:57東區醫院精神科病房三名病人感染鼻病毒或腸病毒16:56海南昌江旅遊和現代服務業招商重點 Hainan Changjiang tourism and modern service Key points of investment16:50「藍碳·自然資源領域生態產品價值實現深圳實踐」亮相2023中國海博會16:50 太坡零碳製造及科創服務區Taipo service area of zero carbon manufacture and scientific innovation17:03 努力推進世界了解中國 三位中國學「大咖」獲貢獻獎17:02 【收市盤點】港股全日跌351點 本周累漲105點17:01 國泰:今明兩年增9000人手 積極調整客戶組合16:58 優惠政策Preferential policies16:57 東區醫院精神科病房三名病人感染鼻病毒或腸病毒16:56 海南昌江旅遊和現代服務業招商重點 Hainan Changjiang tourism and modern service Key points of investment16:50 「藍碳·自然資源領域生態產品價值實現深圳實踐」亮相2023中國海博會16:50 太坡零碳製造及科創服務區Taipo service area of zero carbon manufacture and scientific innovation17:03努力推進世界了解中國 三位中國學「大咖」獲貢獻獎17:02【收市盤點】港股全日跌351點 本周累漲105點17:01國泰:今明兩年增9000人手 積極調整客戶組合16:58優惠政策Preferential policies16:57東區醫院精神科病房三名病人感染鼻病毒或腸病毒16:56海南昌江旅遊和現代服務業招商重點 Hainan Changjiang tourism and modern service Key points of investment16:50「藍碳·自然資源領域生態產品價值實現深圳實踐」亮相2023中國海博會16:50

太坡零碳製造及科創服務區Taipo service area of zero carbon manufacture and scientific innovation

責任編輯:郭昕玥 2023-11-24 17:03:03 來源:




Development area: 105.702 hectares

Development direction: It will focus on developing industries derived from nuclear technology, such as agricultural products and food processing,low-carbon equipment manufacturing, nondestructive testing and testing, and nuclear irradiated plant breeding, as well as productive service industries,such as nuclear power technology research and development, information technology, equipment assembly, testing and certification, and life service industries, such as business hotels and cultural tourism. In addition, it will mainly build scientific and innovation platforms such as nuclear power research and education services, technology incubation and application.

Boundaries of land use: From Haikou-Yulin West Highway in the east, to Park North Road in the south, Tourism Avenue in the west, about 200 meters north of Changjiang Avenue in the north .


責任編輯:郭昕玥 太坡零碳製造及科創服務區Taipo service area of zero carbon manufacture and scientific innovation


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